Saturday 2 February 2013


This is how I discovered them, now how can someone NOT instantly fall in love with them? 

Janoskians - Just another name of silly kids in another nation (skip)

They're a youtube sensation. A group of pranksters, comedians, singers, entertainers and the loves of my life. Based in Melbourne, Australia. 5 beautiful boys between the ages of 16-19 are the only ones that can actually rescue me from a bad day. They are just the most hilarious set of reckless teenagers who I adore with all my heart and soul. 

Starting with Beau Peter Brooks; the main man as many would say, with the most beautiful eyes and most revolting chunder he pretty much sums up to be perfect. LOOK AT THAT FACE! 

Daniel Sahyoune (Skip) ; is such a LAHME with his perfect piercings, especially the one on his nipple.. YALAAHH. My favorite thing about him is his pelvic thrust. Oh my does he have moves or WHAT!

Luke and Jai Brooks. The LOVE I have for these two stunning twins is unreal. They both are the cuuuutest things in existence. If I ever feel low I just can't help but cringe/laugh at the thought of the two. can't compare them cos they're both impeccable <3 

Last but not the least; James Yammouni is not only the youngest in the group but also often forgotten, he's just as much of a Janoskian as the others are. He's JUST as hilarious if not more. I have too much love for him. 

AND TOGETHER.. its just too good to be true!

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